Iceland 2021 Part4: #14 Glaciers in the Southeast
After a beautiful sunset and sunrise I decided to explore glaciers in the southeast: Hoffellsfjöll and Kverkfjöll
First part: Hoffellsfjöll
The drive is a rocky road for about 7-8km. You have to be prepared to drive very slow and careful.
I did not have a 4×4 and you dont need one as long as you are aware of pottholes and big stones.
The river from Hoffell look fantastiv from above.
Second part: Kverkfjöll
The road to Kverkfjöll is even worse and longer. It seems the glacier is further away.
The road ends and you are still far away from the glacier. I could not reach the trailing edge with my drone around 8km out…
All in all if you have to decide between the two glaciers, go for Hoffelsjökull.
Third part: Back to Eystrahorn and Vestrahorn
Good night.