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Oberstdorf – Daytrip to Oytal in the snow


A few years ago we did a weekend trip to Oberstdorf. During this trip we went into the Oytal and up to the Rauheck. Beginning of this year I felt like doing a crazy daytrip and drove all the way to Oberstdorf and back in a day.

I packed my bike, backpack, warm clothes my cam and drone and drove at 3AM to Oberstdorf.

My goal was to ride from Oberstdorf to the Käseralpe by bike and hike up to the Schneck at 2205m.

I arrived at Oberstdorf at the parking lot Freibergsee at 6AM.

The distance from the parking lot to the Alpe is 12,3km with an elevation gain of 596m.

The temperatures were -3°C but I was excited and was looking for a great day. The mountain forecast was promising. I did not exactly know the conditions regarding ice and snow, because there are no webcams in the valley and beyond.

The Oytal valley

My goal was to arrive at Himmelecksattel at sunrise (8:05AM) or a bit after, but i totally underestimated the length and climb of the ride to Käseralpe. I arrived at around 9:20AM at the Alpe.

The Käseralpe in the snow after sunrise

The Käseralpe is at 1407m elevation. As i arrived i knew the hike from there will be difficult because snow was laying around and along the trail i was going to hike…

I left my bike and started the hike at first to the Himmelecksattel. The distance is around 3,2km and 621m elevation. My plan was to go up there, rest and hike up the Schneck for another 850m distance and 192m elevation. I was so wrong.

I did this tour in summer and it was an amazing trip. Well, the snow is another story…

The view back to Käseralpe in the snow

At first the path was visible and accessible, but soon after gaining 300-400m of elevation things started to get interesting.

The path was mostly covered in frozen snow and slippery as hell. I managed to get to the Wildenfeldhütte with few problems, but it took a long time to get up there, and it was just 1,2km distance from the Käseralpe.

Sun finally starting to arrive

I continued still in the mood to reach the summit a bit later as planned but confident.

After about another climb of 200-300m elevation and 1km distance the path was not visible anymore. Just snow. I had my gps with me and knew where the path was, but without crampons it seemed very difficult.

the „path“ still hikable

It got to a point where there was just steep snow without a path.


I tried two options to continue but at some point i resigned and gave up. Too dangerous. At some point i sank into the snow to my hip…

Time to relax, fly drone and enjoy the now available sun!

I decided to hike back down to the previous hut (Wildenfeld hut, closed of course) and prepare my lunch and relax in the sun.

The way back down into the valley was way more difficult than going up. I had to be very careful. I arrived at my bike at around 3PM and started to ride back to my car where i arrived at around 5PM.

Amazing day, but so different than planned…

View down into the valley

If you attempt to do things like this prepare well!

A second gps or phone, a powerbank, enough food, adequate clothing and crampons.

Dont forget to tell someone where you are and send your location from time to time!